Thursday, November 19, 2009

Warcraft Gear Compare FAQ

1) Is this app an account phisher?
- No, it does not ask for any account information. It is not required for full functionality.

2) Isn't there already a World of Warcraft Armory app from Blizzard?
- There is but that app and this app provide different functionality. See Below.

3) Can't I just use RatingBuster or the comparison function provided by Blizzard's UI?
- You can but this app takes things a few steps further. RatingBuster and the native Blizzard UI provide raw stat differences between the items. For example, you would see something like the following.

+16 Agility
-56 Critical Rating
+69 Haste Rating
+10 Attack Power
-11 Expertise Rating

This is useful, but not meaningful unless you know the weighted value of each stat. And if you knew those numbers, you would have to calculate the pluses and minuses to determine which one is better.

What this app does is take those raw differences and using the default weight values included, or ones defined by the user, and calculate a weighted score difference between the items. So instead of what you see above, you would simply see +121 or -189.56.


  1. Hi

    I bought this app from the store.
    The Ahn'Qiraj realm in the realm dropdown list is mis-spelt as Ahn'Qiraq.
    I cannot load up my characters on that realm because of this.
    Please can you fix this bug asap. The app is useless to me without this fix.



  2. Hi Gary,

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will fix it and send it in to Apple for approval tomorrow. It should be approved sometime towards the end of next week.
